Parchment Family Practice

Chemical Sensitivities

Parchment Family Practice, P.C. is one of the few clinics in the nation treating patients with multiple chemical sensitivities.

Many patients develop sensitivity to chemicals in their daily environment. For example, reacting to someone wearing cologne or strong smells while in the cleaning aisle in the grocery store; reacting to chlorine, gasoline, cigarette smoke; or a patient suspects they are sensitive to chemicals they are using while at work.

Sensitivity Testing

We are able to diagnose a chemical reaction via skin testing. We are then able to make a sublingual drop individualized for that patient which will neutralize or minimize the patient's reaction to the affecting chemical.

Testing can also be obtained for sensitivities via patch testing for a variety of contact allergens.

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Give us a call

Contact us at 269-344-6183 for more information or to schedule an appointment!

Office Hours

Our office hours are Monday from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., Tuesday through Friday 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Additional hours may be used to accommodate patients.